Become a Registered Teacher
Become a teacher in as little as one year with one of our teaching qualifications. Study Early Childhood, Primary or Secondary teaching and get ready to inspire the next generation, pass on your knowledge and teach our youth to become independent learners and thinkers.
Whether you're a school leaver, recent graduate, career changer or looking to study from the comforts of your own home, Te Kura Toi Tangata has a teaching qualification for you.
Bachelor of Teaching
Graduate Diploma in Teaching
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching
Master of Teaching and Learning
Te Ara Poutama Toitū Te Reo
Te Ara Hou Te Ahikāroa
Master your future
Improve your skills and be a leader in education with one of our master's degrees. Our master's qualifications are for educational practitioners who want to improve their skills, knowledge, expertise and career prospects across a range of specialisations.
There are many scholarships available to students in the School of Education. Use the Scholarships Finder for a comprehensive list of the scholarships available.
Māori students
Whether you need assistance with applying for scholarships, finding your way around The University of Waikato, or simply want to have a quick kōrero - we're here to help!
Te Whai Toi Tangata | Institute of Professional Learning
Transform education with our diverse professional learning opportunities, guided by Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles. Join us on a journey of growth, equity, and innovation.
Study Social Sciences
Challenge your thinking about the world around us and how education plays a role in the lives of people. Study contemporary social issues, learn how we as humans deal with these issues, and identify ways these actions can be modified.
We have two majors that can be taken under the Bachelor of Social Sciences.
Education and Society
Human Development