Regulations for the Te Ara Hou Te Ahikāroa (TA)
- The Personal Programmes of Study Regulations apply in these regulations.
- Candidates for the Te Ara Hou Te Ahikāroa must have:
either- satisfied the requirements of:
- a university degree or another qualification recognised by the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand as acceptable for provisional registration as a kaiako in Kōhungahunga, or Kura Tuatahi or Wharekura,
- Whakamātauria Tō Reo Māori Level 3 (National Māori Language Proficiency Examinations), or demonstrated te reo Māori competency to an equivalent standard, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis,
- provided evidence of:
- high levels of te reo Māori language use,
- relevant work qualifications and professional development, and
- experience relating to leadership or management skills in a coaching, mentoring, or teaching role, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis,
- been selected by the Division of Education as a suitable person to be a kaiako, in line with entry requirements outlined in Te Whare o Rongotauira: Māori medium Initial Teachers Education Programme Approval, Monitoring and Review Requirements (Teaching Council of Aotearoa NZ).
- satisfied the requirements of:
Requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma
- The normal minimum period of enrolment for completion of Te Ara Hou is one year.
- Candidates must enrol in the Division of Education and follow an approved programme of study.
- Candidates must gain at least 150 points at 400 level, as prescribed in the Te Ahikāroa entry in the University of Waikato Subject Regulations.
- Candidates must complete any Assurance of Te Reo Māori Competency requirements prescribed by the Division of Education.
- Te Ara Hou will be awarded in the subject of Wharekura.
- The Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Division or delegated authority may vary or waive these regulations in individual cases.