1. The Personal Programmes of Study Regulations apply in these regulations.


  1. Candidates for the Te Ara Hou Te Ahikāroa must have:
    1. satisfied the requirements of:
      1. a university degree or another qualification recognised by the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand as acceptable for provisional registration as a kaiako in Kōhungahunga, or Kura Tuatahi or Wharekura,


      1. Whakamātauria Tō Reo Māori Level 3 (National Māori Language Proficiency Examinations), or demonstrated te reo Māori competency to an equivalent standard, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis,


    1. provided evidence of:
      1. high levels of te reo Māori language use,
      2. relevant work qualifications and professional development, and
      3. experience relating to leadership or management skills in a coaching, mentoring, or teaching role, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis,


    1. been selected by the Division of Education as a suitable person to be a kaiako, in line with entry requirements outlined in Te Whare o Rongotauira: Māori medium Initial Teachers Education Programme Approval, Monitoring and Review Requirements (Teaching Council of Aotearoa NZ).

Requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma

  1. The normal minimum period of enrolment for completion of Te Ara Hou is one year.
  2. Candidates must enrol in the Division of Education and follow an approved programme of study.
  3. Candidates must gain at least 150 points at 400 level, as prescribed in the Te Ahikāroa entry in the University of Waikato Subject Regulations.
  4. Candidates must complete any Assurance of Te Reo Māori Competency requirements prescribed by the Division of Education.
  5. Te Ara Hou will be awarded in the subject of Wharekura.


  1. The Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Division or delegated authority may vary or waive these regulations in individual cases.