Strategy for The University of Waikato
The University's vision and key priorities for the future, guiding our path towards academic excellence and societal impact.
The University of Waikato Strategy, Kia haere whakamua, was adopted by Council in December 2024.
The University is committed to making progress towards the high-level strategic priorities outlined in the Strategy over the next five years.
Responsibility for the Strategy rests with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Neil Quigley.
Priority 1
A whole of institution focus on student recruitment, retention, and learner success
Priority 2
Recognising and celebrating excellence
Priority 3
Leadership in graduate-entry health programmes
Priority 4
Developing people, capability and a culture of diversity and inclusivity
Priority 5
Giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Priority 6
Research impact and relevance
Priority 7
Enhanced internationalisation
Priority 8
Development of the Tauranga campus
Priority 9
Long-term operational sustainability