Reports - Ngā pūrongo

sea mountains sounds

The ERI Report and CBER publication collection are undergoing a process of being hosted on the University of Waikato Research Commons. This allows for improved search capacities. If you are curious about a file listed here which is not presently linked, please contact us.

ERI Reports are listed below and this is the list of CBER publications.

Report # Primary Author Report Title and Link
173 Tempero, G.W. Alum Dosing Effects on Fish and Aquatic Invertebrates: Utuhina Stream 2021-2023.
172 Shao, Z. Extent of seagrass in Tauranga Harbour: a comparison of satellite automated classification versus manual delineation of aerial imagery
171 Tempero, G.W. Stream: Biomonitoring of Aluminium 2021-2023
170 Woelmer, W. Variability in the Trophic Level Index in Lake Rotoehu from 1990-2021
167 Nepia, R. Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park 2022 Ground Truthing
166 Tempero, G.W. Sediment aluminium content of lake Okaro: 2021 monitoring survey
165 Caskey, L and Tempero, G.W Hamilton City Long-tailed Bat Survey: Annual Monitoring Report, 2022
163 Duggan, I.C. Zooplankton Communities, and TLI and Lake Health Assessments, of Selected Lakes in the Wellington region
162 Bryan, K.R. Ōhiwa Harbour Delft3D sediment transport modelling to support the National Policy Statement on Freshwater (NPS-FM)
161 Bryan, K.R. Tauranga Harbour DELWAQ Nutrient Modelling to support the implementation of the National Policy Statement on Freshwater (NPS-FM)
160 Fensham, E. Toxicological effects of aluminium in relation to diel pH changes on fish and kōura
159 Ling, N. Waitangi Soda Springs alum dosing – bioavailability of aluminium 2011-2020
158 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing salvage of fish in the Mangamahoe Low Head Dam reservoir
157 Tempero, G.W Phytoplankton nutrient limitation in Lake Rotorua
156 La Croix, A.D. Recent and Historical Sedimentation and Sediment Characteristics of Ōhiwa Harbour, New Zealand
155 Duggan, I.C. Assessment of trophic state change and lake health in selected lakes of the Auckland Region based on zooplankton assemblages: 2012-2019
153 Ling, N. Utuhina Stream monitoring 2006-2020: In-stream alum dosing effects on fish and aquatic invertebrates
152 Ross, P.M. The coastal habitats of Tairawhiti: A review of the scientific, local, and customary knowledge
151 Tempero, G.W. Sediment aluminium content of lakes Rotorua and Rotoehu: 2020 monitoring survey
150 Cho, E. Catchment and lake water quality modelling to assess management options for Lake Rerewhakaaitu
149 Farnworth, B. Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park 2021 Long-term Monitoring: Report on Ecological Restoration Progress
144 Abell, J. Assessing effects of changes to nutrient loads on Lake Tarawera water quality: Model simulations for 2010 to 2020
143 McBride, C.G. Estimated catchment loads of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes
141 Farnworth, B. Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park Long-term Monitoring Report of Ecological Restoration Progress
140 O’Neill, T. Scott Base Redevelopment CEE environmental monitoring report: Year two (December 2019 - January 2020)
139 O’Neill, T. Scott Base Redevelopment CEE environmental monitoring report: Year one (January 2019)
138 Ross, PM. Assessment of impacts of mechanical spat harvesting on the surf clams of Te Oneroa a Tōhē
136 Elliot Noe, E.

A three-part report: Overview of the Kukutaaruhe Gully Restoration Initiative, Operational Forest Restoration Plan for Kukutaaruhe Gully and Ecological Restoration Plan Template

Part 1 and Part 2

135 Tempero G.W. Seasonal changes in phytoplankton nutrient limitation: Lake Rotorua
133 Moon, V.G. Characteristics of sub-surface sediments in southern Stella Passage, Tauranga Harbour
132 Tempero G.W. Aluminium content in near-shore sediments of Lake Rotorua
129 McBride, C.G. Lake water quality modelling to assess management options for Lake Hayes
123 Mullarney, J.C. Impacts on sediment transport of proposed expansion of the Port of Tauranga shipping channels and wharves
120 Hicks, B.J. Development of a molecular tool to positively identify brown bullhead catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus) from environmental DNA in water
119 Mullarney, J. Hydrodynamic modelling of proposed expansion of the Port of Tauranga shipping channels and wharves
118 Ross, P.M. Monitoring of subtidal reef biota off Motuotau Island in relation to dredge spoil dumping by the Port of Tauranga Ltd, 2014-2018
117 Tempero, G.W. Ecotoxicological Review of Alum Applications to the Rotorua Lakes: Supplementary Report
116 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2017
115 Hicks, B.J. Estimation of potential contributions of brown bullhead catfish to the nutrient budgets of lakes Rotorua and Rotoiti
111 Allan, M.G. A coupled hydrodynamic-ecological model to test management options for restoration of lakes Onoke and Wairarapa
110 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing survey of the Awaiti and Bancrofts canals (Tee Head Canal), Piako River system
108 Allan, M. Ecological modelling of water quality management options in Lake Waahi to support Hauanga Kai species: Technical report
107 Death, R. Does artificial intelligence modelling have anything to offer traditional management of freshwater food resources?
106 Collier, K.J. Physical and chemical attributes affecting survival and collection of freshwater mahinga kai species
105 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2016
103 Ling, N. Alum dosing at Waitangi Soda Springs – bioavailability of aluminium in 2016
102 Ling, N. Puarenga Stream alum dosing – effects on Lake Rotorua/Sulphur Bay biota 2016
101 Ling, N. Utuhina Stream monitoring 2016: In-stream alum dosing effects on fish and aquatic invertebrates
100 Hamilton, D.P. Water Quality Modelling of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere
098 Me, W. Simulating discharge and pollutants from the Waipa Stream catchment under different irrigation scenarios using the SWAT model
097 McBride, C.G. Catchment and lake water quality modelling to assess management options for Lake Tutira
095 de Lange, W.P. Shoreline changes for southeastern Matakana Island (Panepane Point) following capital dredging (2015-16)
094 Lehmann, M. K. Waikato shallow lakes modelling
093 Allan, M. Remote Sensing of Waikato Lakes
092 Campbell, D.I. Assessment of the Ecohydrological Functioning of the Otakairangi Wetland, Northland
091 Dada A.C. Assessment of effects of proposed treated wastewater discharge to the Te Arikiroa Thermal Channel and Sulphur Bay (Lake Rotorua)
090 Tempero, G.W. Invasive Fish Boat Electrofishing Survey of Lake Arapuni
089 Tempero, G.W. Lake Rotorua and Lake Rotoehu: Total and Non-crystalline Aluminium Content in Bottom Sediments
088 Hicks, B.J. Fish population and biomass estimates from mark-recapture for Lake Milicich, a shallow Waikato peat lake
087 Lehmann, M. K. Feasibility of Aquatic Environmental Monitoring by Remote Sensing for the Waikato Region
086 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2015
085 Dada, A. C. Modelling the impact of sewage reticulation in the Lake Tarawera catchment
083 Ling, N. Waitangi Soda Springs Alum Dosing – bioavailability of aluminium 2015
082 Ling, N. Puarenga Stream alum dosing – summary of effects on lake biota 2015
081 Ling, N. Utuhina Stream monitoring 2015: Effects of continuous alum dosing on fish and aquatic invertebrates
080 Abell, J.M. Lake Rotorua Wastewater Discharge Environmental Effects Study
079 Hicks, B.J. Fish removal from New Zealand Steel Ltd’s water intake pond at North Head sand mine
071 McBride, C.G. A water quality model for Lake Tikitapu
070 Kirby, C.L. Taranaki Biodiversity Priorities Forum, Discussion Report
069 Hicks, B.J. Comparative fish abundance in the shallow Waikato lakes Whangape and Hakanoa
068 Allan, M. A coupled hydrodynamic-ecological model of management options for restoration of Lake Ohinewai
067 Ling, N. Waitangi Soda Springs alum dosing – bioavailability of aluminium 2013
066 Tempero G.W. Anthropogenic phosphorus loads to Lake Rotorua
065 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2014
063 Garrett-Walker, J. Environmental cues for koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) spawning aggregations and bottleneck locations near Huntly, New Zealand
062 Duggan, K. Perceptions of coarse anglers and freshwater managers, and the impact of these perceptions on management of non-indigenous invasive fish
059 McBride, C.G. Ecological Effects of Artificial Mixing in Lake Rotoehu
058 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing survey of the Awatapu Lagoon and lower Tarawera River
057 Tempero, G.W. Ecological Monitoring of Artificial Destratification Effects in Lake Rotoehu: 2014-2015
056 Ling, N. Utuhina Stream monitoring 2014: effects of continuous alum dosing on fish and aquatic invertebrates
055 Ling, N. Puarenga Stream alum dosing – summary of effects on lake biota 2013/2014
053 Walker, J. Mercury Bay Coastal Processes Study: Data Report for 2014 & 2015
052 Tempero, G. Ecotoxicological review of alum applications to the Rotorua Lakes
049 Tempero, G. Final report: inflow monitoring of the Rotopiko lakes and Lake Mangakaware
047 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2013
046 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing survey of the Kaituna River and Bell Road oxbow
045 Banks, J.C. Comparison of the efficiency of three methods of isolating fish DNA from environmental samples
044 Banks, J.C. Development and validation of hydrolysis assays for seven species of exotic fish
043 De Lange, W. Distribution of silty sediments in the shallow subsurface of the shipping channels of Tauranga Harbour
042 Kaneko, T. Effect of Irrigation on Yield and Fruit Quality of Rabbiteye Blueberry Growing on Mineral Soils in New Zealand
041 Özkundakci, D. Lake Rotorua sediment survey
039 Watson, N.T.N. A Molecular-Based Assessment Tool for Characterising New Zealand Freshwater Zooplankton Communities
038 Clarkson, B.D. Report to Hamilton City Council on the context for decision-making relating to the 5.1 hectares of public land adjoining Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park
037 Collier, K. Potential sciences tools to support Mahinga Kai decision making in the National Objectives Framework
033 Tempero, G.W. Storm Water Inflow to Oranga Lake, University of Waikato Hamilton Campus
032 Jones, H. F. E. Lake Rotokakahi water quality modelling
031 Jones, H. F. E. Lake Whangape and Lake Waahi hydrodynamic modelling
029 Hicks, B.J. Preliminary analysis of boat electrofishing in the Waikato River in the vicinity of the Huntly Power Station: Part 1 - fishing on 2 September 2013
028 Moon, V. Sub-surface stratigraphy of Stella Passage, Tauranga Harbour
027 Jones, H. F. E. Quantitative assessment of the Waikato River delta for fish habitat management: field survey, GIS and hydrodynamic modelling
026 Hicks, B.J. Boat electrofishing surveys of fish populations in the Ohau Channel in 2011 and 2012
024 Hicks, B.J. Life history analysis of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from lakes Mapourika and Paringa, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, by otolith microchemistry
023 Jones, H. Facilitating rafting on the Kaituna River: The effect of manipulating Lake Rotoiti outflow on the function of the Ohau diversion wall
020 Wu, N. Fish biomass and gonad development in the Rotopiko (Serpentine) lakes
016 Tana, R. Life-history of Lake Horowhenua common smelt: analysis of otolith chemistry and vertebral counts
015 Tempero, G. Assessment of fish populations in Lake Horowhenua, Levin
014 Hicks, B.J. Aquatic ecology of Lake Rotokare, Taranaki, and options for restoration
012 Wood, S.A. Cyanobacteria band testing: Examining applicability for the National (NZ) Objectives Framework
011 Abell, J. Lake Tutira: monitoring recommendations and management options
009 Butterworth, J. Lake Rotokakahi water quality update. 1990-2011
007 Hicks, B.J. Fishing activity in the Waikato and Waipa rivers
006 Efford, J. Ecological study of Barrett Domain, New Plymouth
005 Bylsma, R. Ecological study of Hickford Park and Coastal Walkway route options
004 Jones, H. Waituna Lagoon modelling: Developing quantitative assessments to assist with Lagoon management
003 Efford, J. Environmental effects of the Manganui Ski Field, Mt Taranaki/Egmont
002 Bryan, C. Barrett Bush management plan
001 Clarkson, B.D. Evaluation of the Hamilton City Council Plants for Gullies Programme