173 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Alum Dosing Effects on Fish and Aquatic Invertebrates: Utuhina Stream 2021-2023.
172 |
Shao, Z. |
Extent of seagrass in Tauranga Harbour: a comparison of satellite automated classification versus manual delineation of aerial imagery |
171 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Stream: Biomonitoring of Aluminium 2021-2023 |
170 |
Woelmer, W. |
Variability in the Trophic Level Index in Lake Rotoehu from 1990-2021 |
167 |
Nepia, R. |
Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park 2022 Ground Truthing |
166 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Sediment aluminium content of lake Okaro: 2021 monitoring survey |
165 |
Caskey, L and Tempero, G.W |
Hamilton City Long-tailed Bat Survey: Annual Monitoring Report, 2022 |
163 |
Duggan, I.C. |
Zooplankton Communities, and TLI and Lake Health Assessments, of Selected Lakes in the Wellington region |
162 |
Bryan, K.R. |
Ōhiwa Harbour Delft3D sediment transport modelling to support the National Policy Statement on Freshwater (NPS-FM) |
161 |
Bryan, K.R. |
Tauranga Harbour DELWAQ Nutrient Modelling to support the implementation of the National Policy Statement on Freshwater (NPS-FM) |
160 |
Fensham, E. |
Toxicological effects of aluminium in relation to diel pH changes on fish and kōura |
159 |
Ling, N. |
Waitangi Soda Springs alum dosing – bioavailability of aluminium 2011-2020 |
158 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing salvage of fish in the Mangamahoe Low Head Dam reservoir |
157 |
Tempero, G.W |
Phytoplankton nutrient limitation in Lake Rotorua |
156 |
La Croix, A.D. |
Recent and Historical Sedimentation and Sediment Characteristics of Ōhiwa Harbour, New Zealand |
155 |
Duggan, I.C. |
Assessment of trophic state change and lake health in selected lakes of the Auckland Region based on zooplankton assemblages: 2012-2019 |
153 |
Ling, N. |
Utuhina Stream monitoring 2006-2020: In-stream alum dosing effects on fish and aquatic invertebrates |
152 |
Ross, P.M. |
The coastal habitats of Tairawhiti: A review of the scientific, local, and customary knowledge |
151 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Sediment aluminium content of lakes Rotorua and Rotoehu: 2020 monitoring survey |
150 |
Cho, E. |
Catchment and lake water quality modelling to assess management options for Lake Rerewhakaaitu |
149 |
Farnworth, B. |
Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park 2021 Long-term Monitoring: Report on Ecological Restoration Progress |
144 |
Abell, J. |
Assessing effects of changes to nutrient loads on Lake Tarawera water quality: Model simulations for 2010 to 2020 |
143 |
McBride, C.G. |
Estimated catchment loads of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes |
141 |
Farnworth, B. |
Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park Long-term Monitoring Report of Ecological Restoration Progress |
140 |
O’Neill, T. |
Scott Base Redevelopment CEE environmental monitoring report: Year two (December 2019 - January 2020) |
139 |
O’Neill, T. |
Scott Base Redevelopment CEE environmental monitoring report: Year one (January 2019) |
138 |
Ross, PM. |
Assessment of impacts of mechanical spat harvesting on the surf clams of Te Oneroa a Tōhē |
136 |
Elliot Noe, E. |
A three-part report: Overview of the Kukutaaruhe Gully Restoration Initiative, Operational Forest Restoration Plan for Kukutaaruhe Gully and Ecological Restoration Plan Template
Part 1 and Part 2
135 |
Tempero G.W. |
Seasonal changes in phytoplankton nutrient limitation: Lake Rotorua |
133 |
Moon, V.G. |
Characteristics of sub-surface sediments in southern Stella Passage, Tauranga Harbour |
132 |
Tempero G.W. |
Aluminium content in near-shore sediments of Lake Rotorua |
129 |
McBride, C.G. |
Lake water quality modelling to assess management options for Lake Hayes |
123 |
Mullarney, J.C. |
Impacts on sediment transport of proposed expansion of the Port of Tauranga shipping channels and wharves |
120 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Development of a molecular tool to positively identify brown bullhead catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus) from environmental DNA in water |
119 |
Mullarney, J. |
Hydrodynamic modelling of proposed expansion of the Port of Tauranga shipping channels and wharves |
118 |
Ross, P.M. |
Monitoring of subtidal reef biota off Motuotau Island in relation to dredge spoil dumping by the Port of Tauranga Ltd, 2014-2018 |
117 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Ecotoxicological Review of Alum Applications to the Rotorua Lakes: Supplementary Report |
116 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2017 |
115 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Estimation of potential contributions of brown bullhead catfish to the nutrient budgets of lakes Rotorua and Rotoiti |
111 |
Allan, M.G. |
A coupled hydrodynamic-ecological model to test management options for restoration of lakes Onoke and Wairarapa |
110 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing survey of the Awaiti and Bancrofts canals (Tee Head Canal), Piako River system |
108 |
Allan, M. |
Ecological modelling of water quality management options in Lake Waahi to support Hauanga Kai species: Technical report |
107 |
Death, R. |
Does artificial intelligence modelling have anything to offer traditional management of freshwater food resources? |
106 |
Collier, K.J. |
Physical and chemical attributes affecting survival and collection of freshwater mahinga kai species |
105 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2016 |
103 |
Ling, N. |
Alum dosing at Waitangi Soda Springs – bioavailability of aluminium in 2016 |
102 |
Ling, N. |
Puarenga Stream alum dosing – effects on Lake Rotorua/Sulphur Bay biota 2016 |
101 |
Ling, N. |
Utuhina Stream monitoring 2016: In-stream alum dosing effects on fish and aquatic invertebrates |
100 |
Hamilton, D.P. |
Water Quality Modelling of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere |
098 |
Me, W. |
Simulating discharge and pollutants from the Waipa Stream catchment under different irrigation scenarios using the SWAT model |
097 |
McBride, C.G. |
Catchment and lake water quality modelling to assess management options for Lake Tutira |
095 |
de Lange, W.P. |
Shoreline changes for southeastern Matakana Island (Panepane Point) following capital dredging (2015-16) |
094 |
Lehmann, M. K. |
Waikato shallow lakes modelling |
093 |
Allan, M. |
Remote Sensing of Waikato Lakes |
092 |
Campbell, D.I. |
Assessment of the Ecohydrological Functioning of the Otakairangi Wetland, Northland |
091 |
Dada A.C. |
Assessment of effects of proposed treated wastewater discharge to the Te Arikiroa Thermal Channel and Sulphur Bay (Lake Rotorua) |
090 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Invasive Fish Boat Electrofishing Survey of Lake Arapuni |
089 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Lake Rotorua and Lake Rotoehu: Total and Non-crystalline Aluminium Content in Bottom Sediments |
088 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Fish population and biomass estimates from mark-recapture for Lake Milicich, a shallow Waikato peat lake |
087 |
Lehmann, M. K. |
Feasibility of Aquatic Environmental Monitoring by Remote Sensing for the Waikato Region |
086 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2015 |
085 |
Dada, A. C. |
Modelling the impact of sewage reticulation in the Lake Tarawera catchment |
083 |
Ling, N. |
Waitangi Soda Springs Alum Dosing – bioavailability of aluminium 2015 |
082 |
Ling, N. |
Puarenga Stream alum dosing – summary of effects on lake biota 2015 |
081 |
Ling, N. |
Utuhina Stream monitoring 2015: Effects of continuous alum dosing on fish and aquatic invertebrates |
080 |
Abell, J.M. |
Lake Rotorua Wastewater Discharge Environmental Effects Study |
079 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Fish removal from New Zealand Steel Ltd’s water intake pond at North Head sand mine |
071 |
McBride, C.G. |
A water quality model for Lake Tikitapu |
070 |
Kirby, C.L. |
Taranaki Biodiversity Priorities Forum, Discussion Report |
069 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Comparative fish abundance in the shallow Waikato lakes Whangape and Hakanoa |
068 |
Allan, M. |
A coupled hydrodynamic-ecological model of management options for restoration of Lake Ohinewai |
067 |
Ling, N. |
Waitangi Soda Springs alum dosing – bioavailability of aluminium 2013 |
066 |
Tempero G.W. |
Anthropogenic phosphorus loads to Lake Rotorua |
065 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2014 |
063 |
Garrett-Walker, J. |
Environmental cues for koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) spawning aggregations and bottleneck locations near Huntly, New Zealand |
062 |
Duggan, K. |
Perceptions of coarse anglers and freshwater managers, and the impact of these perceptions on management of non-indigenous invasive fish |
059 |
McBride, C.G. |
Ecological Effects of Artificial Mixing in Lake Rotoehu |
058 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing survey of the Awatapu Lagoon and lower Tarawera River |
057 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Ecological Monitoring of Artificial Destratification Effects in Lake Rotoehu: 2014-2015 |
056 |
Ling, N. |
Utuhina Stream monitoring 2014: effects of continuous alum dosing on fish and aquatic invertebrates |
055 |
Ling, N. |
Puarenga Stream alum dosing – summary of effects on lake biota 2013/2014 |
053 |
Walker, J. |
Mercury Bay Coastal Processes Study: Data Report for 2014 & 2015 |
052 |
Tempero, G. |
Ecotoxicological review of alum applications to the Rotorua Lakes |
049 |
Tempero, G. |
Final report: inflow monitoring of the Rotopiko lakes and Lake Mangakaware |
047 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing survey of fish abundance in the Ohau Channel, Rotorua, in 2013 |
046 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing survey of the Kaituna River and Bell Road oxbow |
045 |
Banks, J.C. |
Comparison of the efficiency of three methods of isolating fish DNA from environmental samples |
044 |
Banks, J.C. |
Development and validation of hydrolysis assays for seven species of exotic fish |
043 |
De Lange, W. |
Distribution of silty sediments in the shallow subsurface of the shipping channels of Tauranga Harbour |
042 |
Kaneko, T. |
Effect of Irrigation on Yield and Fruit Quality of Rabbiteye Blueberry Growing on Mineral Soils in New Zealand |
041 |
Özkundakci, D. |
Lake Rotorua sediment survey |
039 |
Watson, N.T.N. |
A Molecular-Based Assessment Tool for Characterising New Zealand Freshwater Zooplankton Communities |
038 |
Clarkson, B.D. |
Report to Hamilton City Council on the context for decision-making relating to the 5.1 hectares of public land adjoining Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park |
037 |
Collier, K. |
Potential sciences tools to support Mahinga Kai decision making in the National Objectives Framework |
033 |
Tempero, G.W. |
Storm Water Inflow to Oranga Lake, University of Waikato Hamilton Campus |
032 |
Jones, H. F. E. |
Lake Rotokakahi water quality modelling |
031 |
Jones, H. F. E. |
Lake Whangape and Lake Waahi hydrodynamic modelling |
029 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Preliminary analysis of boat electrofishing in the Waikato River in the vicinity of the Huntly Power Station: Part 1 - fishing on 2 September 2013 |
028 |
Moon, V. |
Sub-surface stratigraphy of Stella Passage, Tauranga Harbour |
027 |
Jones, H. F. E. |
Quantitative assessment of the Waikato River delta for fish habitat management: field survey, GIS and hydrodynamic modelling |
026 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Boat electrofishing surveys of fish populations in the Ohau Channel in 2011 and 2012 |
024 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Life history analysis of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from lakes Mapourika and Paringa, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand, by otolith microchemistry |
023 |
Jones, H. |
Facilitating rafting on the Kaituna River: The effect of manipulating Lake Rotoiti outflow on the function of the Ohau diversion wall |
020 |
Wu, N. |
Fish biomass and gonad development in the Rotopiko (Serpentine) lakes |
016 |
Tana, R. |
Life-history of Lake Horowhenua common smelt: analysis of otolith chemistry and vertebral counts |
015 |
Tempero, G. |
Assessment of fish populations in Lake Horowhenua, Levin |
014 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Aquatic ecology of Lake Rotokare, Taranaki, and options for restoration |
012 |
Wood, S.A. |
Cyanobacteria band testing: Examining applicability for the National (NZ) Objectives Framework |
011 |
Abell, J. |
Lake Tutira: monitoring recommendations and management options |
009 |
Butterworth, J. |
Lake Rotokakahi water quality update. 1990-2011 |
007 |
Hicks, B.J. |
Fishing activity in the Waikato and Waipa rivers |
006 |
Efford, J. |
Ecological study of Barrett Domain, New Plymouth |
005 |
Bylsma, R. |
Ecological study of Hickford Park and Coastal Walkway route options |
004 |
Jones, H. |
Waituna Lagoon modelling: Developing quantitative assessments to assist with Lagoon management |
003 |
Efford, J. |
Environmental effects of the Manganui Ski Field, Mt Taranaki/Egmont |
002 |
Bryan, C. |
Barrett Bush management plan |
001 |
Clarkson, B.D. |
Evaluation of the Hamilton City Council Plants for Gullies Programme |