For research activities where participant identities are known to the researcher
Where researchers will know who their participants are, information sheets should be provided in advance of planned research activities, to give potential participants time to consider their involvement and to reflect on any risks associated with the project. The details listed below must be provided in order to meet the University of Waikato ethical conduct in human ethics and related activities regulations.
Information Sheets must be written clearly for participants [Reg.9.4.h]
- Use clear and simple language
- Technical terms should be avoided wherever possible
- Images of equipment in use can help to convey information clearly
- A copy of the information sheet should be retained by each participant
As relevant to your project, fully inform your participants of the details of the project [Reg.9 inclusive]
- Who the researchers are, including supervisors, the level of study (masters, doctorate, etc.), and the affiliation with the University of Waikato [Reg.9.1]
- Who is paying for it or sponsoring it [Reg.21.3.a]
- The topic of the research and the question that the researcher is trying to address [Reg.9.1]
- What the participant/s have to do and how long it will take [Reg.9.1]
- Participation is voluntary [Reg.9.1] and a statement that there are no consequences for declining to participate [Reg.16.4]
- Possible harms that may be an outcome of participation, and steps the researcher will take to reduce potential harms and to support participants should such harms arise [Reg.13.1-4]
- What the researcher expects the major outcomes of the research will be, including where findings will be published/disseminated [Reg.9.4.a.ii]
- The representation of participant identities in the research (anonymised identities, use of pseudonyms or codes, naming of participants) [Reg.12.2.a]
- How participants will be provided with access to findings (and publications if appropriate for the readership)
- How the collected information will be stored, for how long, and who (if anyone) will have access to it under what conditions [Reg.9.4.a.iii], [Reg.12.5], [Reg.12.6]
Note that identifying data should be disposed of as soon as practical for a given project, but that non-identifying data upon which the results of a study depend must be stored for at least 5 years after the findings of the study have been released [Reg.12.1].
Note that supervisors (and associated programs) are responsible for the secure storage of student data for the nominated time period [Reg.12.1].
Ensure that participants understand that
- They may ask any further questions about the research that occurs to them at any time
- They can correct any personal information that they have given to the researcher
- They do not need to answer any particular question(s) that they do not wish to
- They do not need to engage in any particular activity that they do not wish to
- They may withdraw from the project up until [a suitable time following the research activity
e.g. “two or three weeks after the interview”] by [a convenient method from the perspective of the participant e.g. “contacting the researcher by email or text message”]
Note that Reg.9.4.a.iv specifies that participants can withdraw until the analysis has begun, but this is not a useful timeframe for participants, so withdrawal should be specified in relation to the research activity itself.
Note also that it is difficult to promise withdrawal of data for focus group/group research conversation participants, due to the multiple overlapping voices that can be involved. Researchers should inform such participants of their right to leave the focus group/group research conversation at any time and undertake to attempt to remove comments from the focus group record if possible if that is the participant’s wish. Participants should also be told that it might not be possible to remove all of their data, due to the nature of group conversations.
They can contact researchers (and supervisors of student projects) at any time. Contact details must be provided.