The pronunciation exercises have been created to complement the readings in Academic Listening Encounters Life in Society: Reading Study Skills Writing by Kristine Brown & Susan Hood, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

There is a pronunciation exercise using video and text available for each reading. The word list for each reading is listed below each title. These pronunciation exercises are accessible by clicking on the links below.

You can also record and listen to your voice after viewing each lesson, by using the Vocaroo recorder. You need a microphone attached to your computer in order to record your voice. You can right-click to download mp3 and mp4 files onto your iPod, mobile phone or iPad.

CultureGroupsGatheringsHuman Reponse
  1. Passionate
  2. Sociologist
  3. Abnormal
  4. Desirable
  5. Violate
  6. Folkways
  7. Taboos
  8. Ridiculed
  9. Moral
  10. Formalised
  1. Increasingly
  2. Socialising
  3. Authorities
  4. Adolescent
  5. Rebel
  6. Distinctive
  7. Individual
  8. Conformity
  9. Declines
  10. Adopt
  1. Collective
  2. Spontaneous
  3. Institutional
  4. Predictable
  5. Temporary
  6. Characteristics
  7. Antisocial
  8. Primitive
  9. Irrational
  10. Civilised
  1. Eyewitness
  2. Stampede
  3. Panicked
  4. Rational
  5. Intense
  6. Tendency
  7. Consequences
  8. Cooperation
  9. Frenzied
  10. Frantic

Student Learning