This subject involves critical inquiry into the social, political, cultural, and economic policies, theories and practices of education in New Zealand society. Its origins are in humanities and social science disciplines such as History, Philosophy, and Sociology, and it has close affinities with contemporary interdisciplinary fields exploring social policy, culture, gender, and work. Education and Society raises questions about the role of education in addressing issues of social justice, power and inequality.

Education and Society is available as a first major for the Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Climate Change (BCC), and the Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSc). Education and Society may also be taken as a second major or minor in other undergraduate degrees, subject to approval of the Division in which the student is enrolled.

To complete Education and Society as a single major for the BA, BCC or the BSocSc, students must gain 135 points from papers listed for Education and Society, including 105 points above 100 level, and 60 points above 200 level. Students must complete EDSOC100; at least 30 points from EDSOC200, EDSOC201, EDSOC202 and EDSOC204; and at least 30 points from EDSOC300, EDSOC301, EDSOC302 and EDSOC303.

To complete Education and Society as part of a double major for the BA, BCC, BSocSc or other undergraduate degrees, students must gain 120 points from papers listed for Education and Society including 90 points above 100 level, and 45 points above 200 level. Students must complete EDSOC100; at least 30 points from EDSOC200, EDSOC201, EDSOC202 and EDSOC204; and at least 30 points from EDSOC300, EDSOC301, EDSOC302 and EDSOC303.

To complete a minor in Education and Society, students must complete 60 points from the papers listed for the Education and Society major, including at least 30 points above 100 level.

Other qualifications

Prescriptions for:

Education and Society papers

Code and paper titlePoints
EDSOC100Education: Past and Presentright arrow

This paper critically examines educational ideas and practices by considering philosophical, historical, political, socio-cultural and economic...

1525A (Hamilton)
EDSOC101The New Zealand Educational Contextright arrow

The paper addresses the educational policies, ideas and processes shaping the educational contexts within which New Zealanders learn and teach.

15No occurrences
HISTY107Aotearoa Histories: Past and Futureright arrow

This introductory paper provides students with an overview of Aotearoa New Zealand's histories through hundreds of years of Māori and Iwi history and...

1525A (Hamilton) & 25A (Secondary School - Unistart)
PHILO150The Big Questions: An Introduction to Philosophyright arrow

An introduction to philosophy that investigates a range of big questions. The big questions may include: does God exist?, does my morality apply to...

1525B (Hamilton) & 25B (Online) & 25B (Tauranga)
SOCIO101Introduction to Sociologyright arrow

This paper prepares students for further study in a range of social science subjects. It introduces the main sociological theories, concepts and...

1525B (Hamilton) & 25B (Secondary School - Unistart) & 25B (Tauranga)

2025 Catalogue of Papers information current as of 26 Feb 2025 01:00am